Minutes of the I4A Meeting

May 22, 2018



Meeting Date:  March 22, 2018

Location:   3100 Montvale Dr. Springfield, IL

Meeting called to order by __Jon L.__ at (time) _12:30_p.m.

Attendance:  See attached sheet for attendance and for recording roll call votes

Members Present: __See attached form__

Guests Present:  Marureen M., John C., Kim McCahill (PSA 13).


*Committee Lists: (Chair is listed in bold italics.)



Jon Lavin - President

N/A – Vice-President

Barbara Eskildsen - Treasurer

Shana Holmes- Secretary


 Attend & Vote rec


Agenda Item Number

For roll call vote




In Attendance





















































Minutes of past meeting by:  Shana Holmes/Secretary


Minutes:  March 20, 2018

Motion: Accept minutes March meeting minutes


 [x] as presented                                    [ ] * as corrected



MOTION BY: Lynn N.                         SECONDED BY:  Barb E.



[] VOICE VOTE                                   [ ] ROLL CALL VOTE #

[x] APPROVED                                                  [ ] NOT APPROVED

Treasurer’s Report:  Barb

MOTION: Accept the report.


MOTION BY:  Joy P.              SECONDED BY:   Carolyn A.

Discussion: Chicago’s dues are still outstanding (lowered their rate).


[] VOICE VOTE                                               [ ] ROLL CALL VOTE #

[x] APPROVED                                                [ ] NOT APPROVED

 Attend & Vote re


Issue: N4a & Legislative: Jon


Discussion: Statewide awards from the Administration for Community Living included a slight losses in IIIB, and VII. Increases in funds for C1, C2 and IIIE with a short time to spend (a years’ worth of increased funds to use in six months). N4a conference is in Chicago, end of August. Membership rate is $450.00. Joyce Gallagher is the chair, Jon and Marla are also assisting on the Host Committee. There is also a call for volunteer’s to obtain a reduced rate.


Issue: OASAC:  Susan


Discussion: OASAC is also meeting with the Illinois Council on Aging (two times per year). Membership of OASAC was presented. Journey care gave a make-up of their demographics and a power-point was sent to I4a members by Susan. There is a workforce stabilization workgroup surveying the CCU’s and in home services providers. CCU RFP is going on and still working in the Chicago area. Have four medication dispenser providers but will not announce until they get certification possibly by the end of this month. Outcome measures report was also sent out by Susan in an email showing assessments (Feb meeting and minutes).


Issue:  LiHeap: Barb


Discussion: Major thing with these programs, because funding went out late they are extending the programs until (funding) Sept 30, 2018 (LiHeap, PIPP) Sent information by area how much funding, etc. was released. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Issue: CCPAC:  Shana


Discussion: Handouts and minutes were sent out. MCO transition into the southern portion of the state has been put on hold. Was to begin April 1, 2018, CMS realized the more rural areas weren’t complete in offering provider services, hoping this additional time will allow for the network and payments to become complete. CCU’s were concerned about the new HDM referral form being developed by IDoA and felt like they needed to be able to place their input and information into the HDM form. MCO’s and CCU’s feel like they aren’t able to speak with HFS and offer their views. There is a Medicaid committee but the rest of the aging network wants to be a part of the conversations. Blue Cross/MCO was sanctioned-new folks not available to join. Adult Protective Services symposium June 12, 13 and 14th in Peoria. There was a critical event report with 12 regional meetings. Mental health assistance grant being written by UIC, DHS and mental health, the AAA’s will be notified by the Dept. when the help comes to our area (J Cook  is in charge of this). The Dept. has a new CIO Russ Kemble ([email protected]).


Government Strategies:  Maureen/John


Discussion: Ten days to go, budgeteers are meeting, no word from those meetings as of yet. The belief is there will be a democrat budget with some republicans on it. There are numerous lame duck republicans right now. The budget is expected to mirror last years’ budget with the items equaling forty million dollars. There is some expectation that there will be a new Governor who will be best served with an enacted budget. Revenues are up a little bit. Sports bidding (which was given a boost by the U.S. Supreme Court) could bring ($400-600 million discussed per year), but not enough time to wrap up this option. May see something on Sports bidding during veto session. Bills being followed by Government Strategies include: HB 175 Medicaid acceleration-nursing home payments (amended).  Sessions are set up by themes-health plan bill to prevent switching in middle of plan year, changing providers (HB 4146) moving through. HB 4100 creates something in criminal code, whistleblower protection, proper security and protections for healthcare workers who file complaints. HB 3479 addresses the payment for pharmaceutical services (to see if MCO’s are really working).

Old Business


I:  Transparency Policy – 5/17/2018 Call


Motion: That I4A not accept the transparency policy as developed by IDOA, and I4A insists that the Maduff letter be responded to with specifics from IDOA before discussion of the issue takes place.


Motion by: Susan R.                             Seconded by: John S.


Discussion: Clarify that I4A members do not plan to accept policies that are not supported by law or clear authority provided by the law. 


[] VOICE VOTE                                               [ ] ROLL CALL VOTE #

[x] APPROVED                                                [ ] NOT APPROVED


New Business


i: IDoA Spring Monitoring Feedback


Discussion: IDoA has sent out the tools for the monitoring. Nutrition, caregiver, etc. First one is in Bloomington, 2nd in Peoria then Kankakee and June 6 & 7th is Northeastern, AgeSmart is June 23rd.


ii: Statewide Initiative Progress


Discussion: AgeSmart is working with Rebecca B. /Betsy to try and form creative ideas on what is doable. What can we do as a state to bring this all together, thinking of possible consultants but could use additional ideas. Social isolation, memory cafés, conferences, etc., perhaps Dr. Louise Hawkley from NORC, or other experts maybe tapped to help us identify an effective direction for the issue.  The association is going to put together a conversation session around the topic of social isolation, bring in an expert who can give a perspective of what it’s about and give best practices, pull in other states and then have a facilitator to pull together strategies. Three people volunteered to assist Joy, Barb and Tracy.


iii. ESP Replacement


 Discussion: Glennice has been working with Don S. from Aging IS. Demo was presented. Don S. and Glennice opened the data and now a cost is being discussed. At this time the amount hasn’t been solidified. Closest and most affordable option; haven’t heard from Don S. since May 14th.

Need Don S.’s final price to transfer information into Aging IS. A proposal for IAS would also need presented.


iv. Smart Simple Grants Management Status


Discussion: AgeOptions grants management system - Development cost $100-120,000. Proposing that the cost to participating agencies be based on an approximate funding formula allocation for development and annual fees $8800-3 or 4 administrative licenses (different logins), cost could be less if you have less licensing needs. RFP/Letter of Intent/NGA/Match requirements will all be laid out. Same grants management system Chicago community trust uses. A platform AgeOptions is buying onto.


Discussion: If AAA’s are interested what do we do? We want AAA’s to be invited to share this program through AgeOptions. We at our AAA are putting this into one system to managing 45 agencies. AgeSmart, AAALincolnland, Northeastern and Bloomington are interested. AAA’s 3 & 4 will look at the demo, but until the actual system is tangible and details of the costs are clear, there is no assumption that the listed agencies will be part of the new system.


v: IDoA Peoria Conference


Discussion: AgeOptions will have a couple of staff present to assist in putting some presentations together. This is not the governor’s conference any longer it is called a symposium.


Vi: Nominating committee


Discussion: Barb, Lynn and John S., are appointed by the President as finding new officers.



NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is scheduled for August 22, 2018. __


ADJOURN AT (TIME): _3:49_p.m.


MOTION: Adjourn meeting


MOTION BY:  Marla F.




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[x ] APPROVED                                                [ ] NOT APPROVED

MINUTES COMPLETED BY:    Shana A. Holmes, I4A Secretary