Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
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Illinois AAA Association
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Call to Order- 12:30 p.m. by Chairperson Tracy Barczewski. Present/Absent: PSA 01-Grant Nyhammer (by phone), 02-Marla Fronczak, 03-Barb Eskildsen, 04-Keith Rider, 05-Susan Real, 06-Lynn Niewohner, 07-Donna Bileto, 08-Joy Paeth, 09-Tracy Barczewski, 10-Shana Holmes (by phone), 11-John Smith, 12-Joyce Gallagher (by phone), and 13-Jon Lavin.

Minutes: Motion made by Eskildsen to approve minutes as presented. Seconded by Lavin and approved.

Treasurer's Report: Motion by Lavin to accept as presented. Seconded by Fronczak and approved.

CCP Cost Savings Task Force – Joyce Gallagher

Executive summary to be written by IDoA. Four chairs had discussions with IDoA. The chairs are on the same page. Legislators spent a lot of their time on this and wanted their verbiage to be used and was disregarded. Hoping the executive summary will reflect what the four chairs want. If the four chairs verbiage is not included they will ask for a minority report. A vote will have to take place on Thursday. Gallagher will forward a recommendation to executive summary.

OASAC – Susan Real

Information presented was a lot of evidence based programs (Sue Hughes). IDoA is working with M O’Donnell and Susan, presenting home care aid programs. The Department is interested in Matter of Balance and Fit and Strong for CCP clients. Managed care going statewide discussed. Discussing a conference (not calling it Gov. Conference). Geared to be a training/quality issue-generic.

LIHEAP – Barb Eskildsen

Passing out handout of how many LiHeap apps were done. Barb will email what is happening in the areas of those on the phone. Weatherization funding-data requirements and having a difficult time; doing some extensive training/GATA. Only able to execute 22 apps due to GATA. LiHeap executed 5 apps. HHS for LiHeap are in process not executed due to GATA. LiHeap funds are not being distributed quickly.

CCPAC – Shana Holmes

Handouts and minutes were sent out. Managed Care letters just getting out in the southern area’s (Meridian). Noted MCOs do not use the Comprehensive Assessment.

n4a – Jon Lavin

Committee has not met. Second year of general assembly. Rep. Harris filed override request/CCP/and AARP is in assistance. SEIU identified several community care clients and very active.
Joy and Jon are both grassroots coordinators for N4a. Grant said he plans on dropping N4a soon. N4a’s big push is dementia friendly. It is said dementia and social isolation go together but Jon recommends we focus on social isolation.

Advocacy Committee & Legislative Report – Jon Lavin with Terry Steczo, Maureen Mulhall, and John Carr of Government Strategy Associates

• General assembly can go either way. Was supposed to have started this week, they cancelled the session for this week. House and Senate will begin next week.

• State of the State is scheduled for next Wednesday. Governor’s in the throw of a campaign. Republicans and Democrats are trying to each influence the primary. Governor’s budget message will be given 2/14/18.

• Mendoza, released the first debt transparency report, required monthly at state agencies. 2.3 billion Shortfall this fiscal year due to expenditures in executive agency not appropriated. The deficit has gone from 16.8 billion to 8 billion. Sold some bonds, cut deficit in half. Over $2.5 billion in un-appropriated expenditures over past couple of years.

• New federal tax law will not impact Illinois collection of taxes.

• GSA doubts Rauner can roll back income tax, pay down deficit, increase education funding and have a functioning state. Illinois paid $1 billion in prompt payment interest.

• MCO procurement is a general assembly concern-used RFP instead of a bid process. This could disrupt the current MCO system. Governor is going to propose a budget to shrink wasteful spending, changes in healthcare and close the gap of the budget. Hospital assessment is in play. Proposals could close down rural hospitals and south suburbs/Chicago hospitals using a straight demographics/is of low income people.

• State of Illinois is 200 years ago (1818). It will be an interesting session as it moves forward. Governor is in the fight of his political life and not sure how the outcome will be.

• Need to look at the statutes for CCU designation.

• We do have to have a conversation about the sexual harassment policy (any entity registered as a lobbying entity, general assembly, a sexual harassment must be in place to meet guidelines in statute).

• Motion: Lavin made a motion for I4a to support the override of 1424. Nyhammer seconded the motion, which was approved.

Other Reports – various people

• Governor’s Training Conference this Spring: It will be down state, cover APS, Ombudsman, CCP, CCUs, At the IDoA meeting, they said the dates have not been nailed down yet.

• Sexual Harassment Policy: Provide a copy to GSA, have it on hand, and submit a copy to whoever requests it. Take out retaliation, leave in employees of I4a. A motion was made by Nyhammer to adopt a resolution of the Board to accept the sexual harassment policy proposed. The motion was seconded by Paeth and approved.

• Work Group for State Initiative – Older Adult Social Isolation: A workgroup will be Kim K. (13), Barb E. (3), Joyce G. (12), Tracy B. (9), and Kiyon (8). To meet by conference call with Betsy Creamer, IDoA.

• Community Care Program Rules is 250 pages in the posting. There could be things in the language that could be a concern for the Area Agencies. Grant sent this information. 89 Ill. Adm., Section 220.600 Case Coordination Unit Minimum Standards.

a) To be designated as a Case Coordination Unit (CCU) for a specific geographic area, as identified by the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) in a specified planning and service area, an agency shall enter into a contract or grant with the AAA to provide Title III (Older Americans Act (42 USC 3001)) case management services pursuant to 89 Ill. Adm. Code 230 (Subpart G) and with the Department to provide Community Care Program (CCP) case management services pursuant to 89 Ill. Adm. Code 240.260 and 240.1400 et seq.

1) The agency shall be a free-standing, single purpose agency, or shall be part of a multi-purpose agency. A multi-purpose agency shall have a separate, clearly definable organizational unit functioning as the CCU.

A) An AAA shall not be designated a CCU except in an emergency situation as specified in Section 220.655(e).

Split the different sections and go through them. Each AAA will need to make a comment - Section 240.240 rr/240.730/240.750/240.1661/240.165/240.1710/ 240.1720/240.1920/240.1930/1940. Need to look at it as a whole. A total of 20 sections. A-PSA 1, B&P-PSA 2, C&Q-PSA 3, D&R-PSA 4, E&S-PSA 5, F-PSA 6, G&T-PSA 7, H-PSA 8, I-PSA9, K-PSA10, J-PSA 11, L-PSA 12, M-PSA 13- Association as a whole comments. Copy and paste section, make comments, send in email to Tracy B. Due by Feb. 5th. *Grant did state his concern that comments can’t be collected from each individual and say this is I4A’s stance effectively. These will be discussed on an I4A Legislative Committee Call, date to be determined so comments made by everyone can be discussed.

• The Don (for MCOs) is now called the DOE – Determination of Eligibility

• CCP Task Force – Joyce thinks she will have her Medicaid outreach program funded. The Department is preparing the report, but sub-committee write ups will be attached. It looks like an income limit may be recommended.

• Niewohner is retiring from PSA 6 next January. Mike Drew is her replacement (attended the training on pass through funding).

The meeting adjourned at 4:22 pm.

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This page was last updated 01/13/2020