Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
3100 Montvale Dr
Springfield, IL 62704
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Illinois Aging Services
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Present/Absent: PSA 01-Nyhammer (phone), 02-Jones/Fronczak, 03-Eskildsen (absent), 04-Rider, 05-Real, 06-Niewohner, 07-Bileto, 08-Paeth, 09-Barczewski, 10-Holmes, 11-Smith, 12-Gallaher (absent), and 13-Lavin.

Smith called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m.

Minutes- Minutes for the January 24, 2017 meeting were distributed for review and approval. Hearing no corrections the following motion was submitted: MOTION: To approve the minutes for 10/24/16 as submitted. (REAL/Barczewski) Approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report- The treasurer’s report dated 03/28/2017 was distributed for review and approval by Rider. He reported that there was a deposit of $816.00 which he could not identify the source, but he reasoned that it was to cover an unpaid fee of some kind. After a bit of checking, it was resolved that the payment should be credited to Age Options. Treasurer Rider also informed members that he had reviewed and was able to "tie-out" all of the figures in the previous treasurer’s January report. With that said the following motion was made: MOTION: To accept the January and March Treasurer's reports as submitted. (BARCZEWSKI/Real) Approved unanimously.

Old Business

ESP Report (Lavin)- A brief update on the progress of the IDOA/Statewide information system was provided. Lavin reported that the NOW/POW electronic data management system was under consideration. Members agreed that this would be a good time to reconvene the IAS ESP Committee, which includes John Smith, Jon Lavin, Barb Eskildsen, Keith Ryder, and Joy Paeth.

Update on the GWEP-IL “CATCH ON” Project (Sheila Greuel/ Susan Real)- Susan began by explaining there had been a mix-up/ misunderstanding at the University of Washington regarding Mrs. Greuel's credentials as a trainer for PEARLS. It appears that the Research Section (which Sheila had always been working with) and the Business arm of the University were not communicating and did not recognize Sheila as a credentialed trainer! Consequently, the Business Office determined that Mrs. Greuel never had University permission to do PEARLS training and was never designated as a Master Trainer. This mix-up has since been corrected, but it has required Sheila to retake the Train the Trainers Program to reinstate her status as Master Trainer at the end of 2017 or early 2018. This information has all been shared with RUSH, the GWEP sponsor.

Moving on to Health Ideas, training will begin in September. However participants must commit in June to begin "readiness" work. Mrs. Greuel announced that RUSH has on-line training modules- 4 new ones re: Dementia Care- that they are asking the AAAs to push and incentive payments continue based on participation.

2016 Audit- President Smith reported that the audit was complete (copies available) and brought members' attention to page 4 re: Log-in Incomes. He explained that this was our major source of consistent income, along with dues, but that the amount was shrinking. Discussion followed and rendered this motion: MOTION: To accept the audit as prepared and remit payment for the work. (HOLMES/Barczewski) Unanimous approval.

New Business


Adjournment- Having completed the agenda, this meeting of Illinois Aging Services, Inc. was adjourned by consensus at 5:11 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by Lucia West Jones

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This page was last updated 01/13/2020