Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
3100 Montvale Dr
Springfield, IL 62704
Voice: (217)787-9234 Fax: (217)787-6290 
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Illinois Aging Services
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Call to Order- 4:00 p.m. by Chairman John Smith. Present/Absent: PSA 01- Nyhammer (phone), 02- Jones/Fronczak, 03- Eskildsen, 04- Rider, 05- Real (phone) , 06- Niewohner, 07- Bileto, 08- Paeth, 09- Barczewski, 10-Holmes, 11- Smith, 12- Gallaher (absent), and 13- Lavin.

Smith called the meeting to order at 4:35 pm.

Minutes- Minutes for the October 24, 2016 minutes were distributed for review and approval. Hearing no corrections the following motion was submitted: MOTION: To approve the minutes for 10/24/16 as submitted. (LAVIN/Paeth) Approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report- The treasurer’s report dated 01/24/2017 was distributed for review and approval. There was some concern regarding the accuracy of the report and it was agreed by consensus that voting be postponed pending Keith Rider’s (new treasurer) review of the data.

Old Business

Update on the GWEP-IL "CATCH ON" Project- PEARLS training was scheduled for 11/17-18/16 in Peoria for agencies north of I74, but not sure of the outcome. Ms. Greuel continues to participate in the monthly calls re: the development of a training manual.

Update on IL Community Health and Aging Collaborative- Brief follow-up discussion of the special presentation by Michael O'Donnell, ICHAC executive director and Richard Blasé, Meridian Health made earlier at the I4A meeting. The question- what is the proper role for IAS in marketing the Collaborative products.

ESP Report- Annual Report distributed. Jon Lavin reported that Glenniece Campbell, ESP manager, has been in contact with the Atlanta Regional Commission (AAA) regarding a new web-based replacement for ESP. This opened a discussion re: the current and potential data systems now in use/development, i.e. NAPIS PAK, Harmony, CRP, etc. and how they might all interface or not.

CY 2016 Audit- The audit is currently underway along with the 990 preparation reported John Smith, president.

New Business


Adjournment- Having completed the agenda, this meeting of Illinois Aging Services, Inc. was adjourned by consensus at 4:53 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by Lucia West Jones

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This page was last updated 01/13/2020