Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
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Illinois AAA Association
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Call to Order- 12:30 p.m. by Chairperson Joy Paeth. Present/Absent: PSA 01- Grant Nyhammer, 02- Lucia Jones, 03- Barb Eskildsen, 04- Keith Rider, 05- Susan Real, PSA 06- Lynn Niewohner, 07- Donna Bileto, 08- Joy Paeth, 09- Tracy Barczewski, 10- Shana Holmes, 11- John Smith, 12- Joyce Gallagher (absent), and 13- Jon Lavin.

Minutes- Holmes presented the Minutes for the last meeting, Special Meeting, and Executive Committee. MOTION: To approve the Minutes as presented by Eskildsen and seconded by Jones. Motion APPROVED. MOTION: To approve minutes of Special Meeting as presented by Barczewski and seconded by Lavin. Motion: APPROVED. MOTION: To approve minutes of the Executive Committee by Jones and seconded by Lavin. Motion: APPROVED.

Treasurer’s Report- Eskildsen presented the financial report. Discussion: The City of Chicago has not paid their dues. MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented by Lavin and seconded by Jones. Motion APPROVED.

Association Statewide Committee- .

OASAC- Real- Covering information on medication management pilot program, choices for care changes, 24/7 response CCU’s to do a nursing home pre-screen. The Advisory committee is to review what is transpiring but floundering in what they want to accomplish, not a lot of active committee involvement. The UAT/Level 1 screening instrument and are piloting (select CCU’s), the new UAT is 35 pages at this point; it’s a program not a paper document.

Legislative Committee- Lavin- Protect Our Care Coalition has been sent out, income tax and bond may be brought up as a vote. Bills are being introduced, bond bill SB 4. Shell bill for CRP immunity has been filed. Alert to support the senate leaders sent out and AAA alerts are going out. Nationally a number of long term care programs could potentially be at stake. I4A discussed signing for the Protect Our Care Coalition with no cost to the organization. The Shriver center is the fiduciary for the coalition. Fact sheets have been given to the AAA’s. Impacts listed pertain to older adults especially if Medicare goes to a block grant. MOTION: To sign up to Coalition by Eskildsen and seconded by Lavin. Motion APPROVED.

LIHEAP- No report given.

CCPAC- Barczewski- Laura Mc. talked about the critical pathways, cost study on emergency home response, rate study required under waiver, medication management program, and senate bill 2929, 24 hour response to do pre-screenings on weekends as of now. SB 3131 – choices for care network is removed all together.

n4a- Lavin- No report given.

Government Strategies report by Terry Steczo & Maureen Mulhall- Proposals are out there now that will hopefully in time, create an option to close the stale mate and offer a budget. Senate leaders announced they have been working privately to try and accomplish a proposed budget. Importance relating to budget is an increase to income tax (3.75 to 4.95), second part would be tax on sugary drinks/soda etc., an incredibly large package brought to the table. Two critical pieces to be the saving grace for the AAA’s 1) Income tax increase 2) Bond sale - 7 billion in bonds to pay back bills. Hoping for a vote by February 1, 2017 but not likely to occur; the package to balance the budget even with these two critical pieces, would leave a negative balance of 2.3 billion. There are 13 bills interrelated in this package and must be voted upon separately. If a bill isn’t passed then they will need to modify the bills that don’t pass. State of the State is January 25, 2017. Minimum wage is expected to increase to $9.00 - $11.00. Need to remind individuals within the alert how they could be severely impacted with the budget impasse.

Miscellaneous Discussions-

  • Meridian Health Plan/ICHAC-Michael O'Donnell & Rich (last name not known) Discussion: Presentation given and Illinois Community Health and Aging Collaborative - explained.

Having no other business, meeting was adjourned at 4:53 p.m. (Motion by Lavin and second by Jones).

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This page was last updated 01/13/2020