Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
3100 Montvale Dr
Springfield, IL 62704
Voice: (217)787-9234 Fax: (217)787-6290 
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Illinois Aging Services
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Call to Order- 4:00 p.m. by Chairman John Smith. Present/Absent: PSA 01- Grant Nyhammer (absent), 02- Lucia Jones, 03- Barb Eskildsen, 04- Keith Rider, 05- Susan Real, PSA 06- Lynn Niewohner, 07- Julie Hubbard, 08- Joy Paeth, 09- Tracy Barczewski (absent), 10- Shana Holmes, 11- John Smith, 12- Yolanda Curry for Joyce Gallagher (absent), and 13- Jon Lavin.

Request to revise agenda to accommodate the schedule of Sheila Greuel, IAS representative to the GWEP-IL “CATCH ON” Project. Request granted by consensus.

Update on the GWEP-IL “CATCH ON” Project-- Ms. Greuel indicated that she is enjoying the challenging work provided by the Project and has been impressed with the level of cooperation exhibited. To date, trainings in the southern portion of the state have gone well. There is only one more session and she expects good participation. She reminded the group that “CATCH ON” learning modules (4) are available to all on-line and participation makes the Agencies on Aging eligible for the incentive payment ($375)! Instructions on how to access the modules and how to qualify for the incentive were previously sent to Area Agencies, but to-date only two (2) had responded appropriately. Most directors did not recall receiving the email and Ms. Greuel agreed to resend the documents--- W-9 Form and Module Verification Form. Directors promised follow-through.

IL Community Health and Aging Collaborative (ICHAC) Update-- In the absence of CEO, Michael O’Donnell, the report was provided by Jon Lavin. Under the ACL grant to Rush on behalf of the Collaborative, Matter of Balance classes are scheduled in Geneva (north) and Springfield (south) during October. Another item of note is the progress made on the Statewide Health and Wellness Website, hosted by AgeOptions. This will place all the data regarding health training and outcomes in one place--- including workshop schedules and locations, trainer availability, classes completed,

Approval of Minutes-- Minutes for the Mach 2016 meeting were distributed. There was no meeting in May. MOTION to approve as submitted by LAVIN and seconded by Eskildsen. Motion APPROVED.

Treasurer’s Report-- Balance Sheet dated 09/14/2016 was presented by Treasurer Julie Hubbard. It was noted that the “currently on-hand” date was incorrect and Ms. Hubbard will send corrected copies. However, the content was correct. MOTION to approve the Treasurer’s Report pending corrected date, submitted by PAETH and seconded by Lavin. Motion APPROVED. NOTE: Corrected reports have been distributed to all.

FY2017 ESP Invoices-- President Smith indicated that the invoices were being prepared and should be out by the end of this week.

Nominating Committee/Slate of Officers for CYR 2017-- President Smith explained that the slate of officers should be ready for the October meeting, with those elected actually taking office at the January meeting. Volunteers for the Nominating Committee were requested. Those responding: Susan Real, Keith Rider, and Joy Paeth.

Having no other business, this conference call was adjourned by consensus at 5:00p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by Lucia West Jones

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This page was last updated 01/13/2020