Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
3100 Montvale Dr
Springfield, IL 62704
Voice: (217)787-9234 Fax: (217)787-6290 
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Illinois Aging Services
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Call to Order- 4:00 p.m. by Chairman John Smith. Present/Absent: PSA 01- Grant Nyhammer, 02- Lucia Jones, 03- Barb Eskildsen, 04- Keith Rider, 05- Susan Real, PSA 06- Lynn Niewohner, 07- Julie Hubbard, 08- Joy Paeth, 09- Tracy Barczewski, 10- Shana Holmes, 11- John Smith, 12- Yolanda Curry for Joyce Gallagher (absent), and 13- Jon Lavin.

The minutes for the last meeting were discussed and approved.

Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was discussed and approved.

ESP Report
There was no update on who would update the statewide and Chicago resources under ESP. AgeOptions would like to be responsible for these if they can find the student interns and supervision for this process.

  • There was no update on replacing the ESP software.
  • The ESP report was distributed.
  • The ESP Committee will meet and discuss changes to the ESP taxonomy.

Old / New Business

The progress of the GWEP-IL “Catch-On”, a three-year award to improve health care for older people was discussed. A Web-based curriculum for Catch On is in the progress of being developed and should be online June 1. PEARLS counselor training is set for Springfield in June. The Healthy Ideas program development will be under way soon.

The ICHAC Collaborative received a grant of $30,000 to continue their and their grant for Matter of Balance, Healthy Ideas, and PEARLS counseling training sessions.

Other Business -- None.

Having no other business, this conference call was adjourned by consensus at 4:30p.m.

Notes by Smith

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This page was last updated 01/13/2020