Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
3100 Montvale Dr
Springfield, IL 62704
Voice: (217)787-9234 Fax: (217)787-6290 
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Illinois Aging Services
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Call to Order- 4:12 p.m. by Chairman John Smith. Present/Absent: PSA 01- Grant Nyhammer (absent), 02- Lucia Jones, 03- Barb Eskildsen, 04- Keith Rider, 05- Susan Real, PSA 06- Lynn Niewohner (absent), 07- Julie Hubbard, 08- Joy Paeth, 09- Tracy Barczewski (absent), 10- Shana Holmes, 11- John Smith, 12- Yolanda Curry for Joyce Gallagher (absent), and 13- Jon Lavin.

Smith requested to move the following report to the top of the agenda. ICHAC Special Report by Michael O’Donnell: Appreciation of IAS financial support and the letter of support provided for the Retirement Research Fund proposal was expressed. He described the grant application as a two year effort to address falls prevention by expanding Matter of Balance, an evidence-based program throughout IL. The Collaborative is requesting $250,000 with plans to provide $5,000 for new start-up sites and providing a bonus for classes with an 80% "finishers" rate. There is an April 6th deadline for the submittal and IAS will be apprised of any developments. Molina is the medical partner.

Minutes- Jones presented the Minutes for the last meeting. The ESP income attributed to PSA 13 actually should have been accorded to PSA 12 and removed language regarding PSA #2 ESP fees. MOTION: To approve the Minutes as presented by Paeth and seconded by Lavin. Motion APPROVED.

Treasurer’s Report- Hubbard presented the financial report noting outstanding ESP fees for PSA #6, and 12. The payment of $5,000 to ICHAC will be on the next report. MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented by Eskildsen and seconded by Real. Motion APPROVED.

4. Old Business-

  • ESP Update- Report prepared by Glenniece Campbell with AgeOptions was distributed by Lavin. Lavin is comfortable with its accuracy.
  • Update on GWEP, aka “Catch-On” by Real- Susan introduced Ms. Gruel sharing her experiences with the East Central Agency on Aging. IAS members introduced themselves describing their current involvement with III-D services. Sheila distributed a power point presentation, which she covered for those present, and a promotional brochure for her consulting services. Ms. Gruel has been retained by IAS to serve as GWEP liaison and coordinate IAS training for PEARLS, an evidence-based program. The contract is for three (3) years, the duration of the Rush GWEP grant; her role is to collaborate with other partners in aging to facilitate/foster PEARLS trainings, follow-up on those trainings to build capacity in areas south of I80. She is an independent contractor.

5. New Business-

  • None.

Having no other business, this conference call was adjourned by consensus at 5:15p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by Lucia West Jones

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This page was last updated 01/13/2020