Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
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Illinois AAA Association
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Meeting called to order by Barbara Eskildsen at 12:55.

Members Present: 01 Jeff Barnes, 03 Barbara Eskildsen, 04 Joanne Thomas, 05 Michael O’Donnell, 06 Lynn Niewohner, 07 Julie Hubbard, 08 Joy Paeth, 09 Tracy Barczewski, 10 Shana Holmes, 11 John Smith, 13 Jonathan Lavin.

Minutes of past meeting: January 21, 2014 approved.

Issue: Government Associates Report on state legislative issues: Terry/Jon
Discussion: Terry discussed Governor’s budget address tomorrow (26th), the deficit is about $2.4 billion; Revenue stream absent from temporary income tax, unsure until November elections. Political climate, groups seeking graduated income tax in Illinois. Proposed tax (millionaires) was discussed, by the end of May items will be on the ballot (taxation & other issues). Legislation to discuss APS is coming up on Thursday of this week. Today RAA language/mandated reporter will be discussed (handouts were given from Diane in regards to definitions and oppositions).

Issue: Treasurer’s Report: Joy Paeth
Discussion: City of Chicago’s (N4A) dues have been behind for a couple of years which could be a future concern.
Joy will prepare and send an official letter of participation and dues.
MOTION BY: Michael O. SECONDED BY: Tracy B. to approve minutes (approved).

Issue: OASAC: Jon Lavin
Discussion: Recent presentation was discussed, Jon will try and retrieve this and share.

Issue: CCPAC: Tracy Barczewski
Discussion: February meeting, 1115 waiver discussed at that meeting, possibilities of PA’s (personal assistants) being added to the services. IDOA was awarded designation of call center. 1915c waiver, looking at what needs revised (currently working under). Medication dispenser added to Community Care Program (RFP’s coming soon). Electronic Verification systems were 100% in compliance.

Issue: LIHEAP PAC meeting: Julie Hubbard
Discussion: No report given.

Issue: APS (increase in rates and rules) update:
Discussion: No report given. Basic conversations in regards to interpretation and clarification of how fatalities review teams would be provided.

Issue: BIP
Discussion: Community agencies could assist with Level 1 assessments (intake). It is under current development, no wrong door in the conversation, standards for BIP, includes setting up 1-800 line, IDOA will be the proprietor for the BIP/Disabilities and associated problems, a webpage must be developed, assistance given to get someone to the application. IT development is in this discussion.

Issue: 1115 Waiver
Discussion: Financing plan, health promotion, disease prevention (Hospitals and Health Depts.) Seems to be moving pretty fast (anticipation of developing in short time vs. years). Home delivered meals are encompassed in the waiver as a service. Medicaid will pay for these meals.

Issue: IT Update
Discussion: Discussion about the difficulty of systems talking. Some are excel based and possible SILOS, which could be a concern with the system capability. This IT system would service aging programs that allow all the services a client receives, i.e., transportation, APS, Ombudsman homecare, MCO, CCP, HDM’s to be seen by the aging network.
Move to approve: A letter will be sent to IDOA in the near future to ask for a meeting with Mary Killough and Director Holton to discuss one IT system for all aging programs.
MOTION BY: Joy P. SECONDED BY: Jon L. (approved).

Issue: ADRC Guidance Request for FY 2015 Area Plan
Discussion: Critique tool discusses items of focus. IDOA has (RFP) for a consultant to develop the ADRC. The AAA’s have been working to develop and design the network with one vision.

Issue: MFP/Colbert Update
Discussion: A new Director (Pamela Orr, prior administrator of Williams Decree). Contracts will continue, haven’t received renewals as of yet.

Issue: New role of Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
Discussion: Based on client centered approach (at the ease of the CCU’s, MCO, CCP’s etc), personal assistants with uniform training (safeguard of educational base for client care).

Issue: Dementia Capable Grants
Discussion: There is a three year grant, federal funding (Piloting in PSA 3, Age Options, PSA 6 this year but other PSAs will be added in the next two years.) similar to flexible senior services, gap filling service but specific to people who have dementia and their family caregivers. There is a component of this grant that is given to Alzheimers Associations for the “Savvy Caregiver” evidenced based program.

Issue: Director Holton visit to Area 09
Discussion: Director Holton enjoyed his visit but did mention to Tracy’s board he was concerned about the communication with the AAAs and is looking at ways he can improve this.

Issue: Com Ed (New Smart Meter)
Discussion: Karen D, contacted Barb about the role out of (smart meters), mainly in Chicago area and eventually happen in the other PSAs that have Ameron. Some educational visits are being set up at local senior centers mainly in the North eventually working its way down state. When they hold an event in your area they will let you know.

Issue: I4A Business Information
Discussion: Need to pull together the By-Laws, other governance items and place on a thumb drive to ensure discretionary items, documents, passwords, records, etc. Items kept confidential should be kept in a confidential and secure area. When transitions occur this will allow for all said items to remain secure and available to new or existing officers who are elected/re-elected.

Issue: Review of by-laws
Discussion: I4A decides positions on a simple majority. Any discussion held at meetings and/or on phone conferences and committee meetings are confidential.

Discussion: A concern was expressed in the recent SHIP grant; SHAP providers must be SHIP certified. Focal points/providers may not have the time to go to a training of five days.

Issue: MCO
Discussion: Managing consistency with the Managed Care Organizations.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is scheduled for May 27, 2014.

Adjourned at 4:48 p.m.

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