Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
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Illinois AAA Association
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Meeting called to order by Barbara Eskildsen at 12:15.

Members Present: Grant Nyhammer by phone, 02 Lucia West Jones, 03 Barbara Eskildsen, 04 Joanne Thomas, 05 Michael O’Donnell, 06 Lynn Niewohner, 07 Julie Hubbard, 08 Joy Paeth, 11 John Smith, 13 Jonathan Lavin by phone, and 13 Diane Slezak.

Guests Present: Rose Coniglio, IDOA

Minutes of past meeting: Minutes distributed Move to approve the minutes as presented. Moved by: Diane Slezak, seconded by: Lynn Niewohner and approved.

Disaster Preparedness: Discussion on Disaster Preparedness lead by Rose Coniglio. All AAAs should let Rose know if their offices are closed due to weather or other events. Hand out on Disaster Checklist Preliminary Report given out and IDOA Emergency Preparedness Plan Overview.

Discussion of Nutrition Assessments and MCO: Joy Paeth, Lucia West-Jones, and Diane Slezak discussed issue confronting AAA that used CCU to provide nutrition assessments and their discussions with MCO in their areas.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s report reviewed by Joy Paeth. Motion to accept the report as presented by Mike O’Donnell, seconded by Lucia West-Jones, and approved.

OASAC Report: No meeting held.

CCPAC Report: The member who attends this committee meeting was not present to give a report.

Legislative Committee Report: Mike O’Donnell presented the federal and state report on legislation.

Education Committee Report: Joanne Thomas gave an update that the grant from ILCMHA was received. An event will be held at the state fairgrounds to showcase evidenced based programs. A handout was shared.

Government Associates Report Discussion: Update given by Terry Steczco and Maureen Mulhull on outlook for this general assembly. Biggest obstacles are still lack of revenue and high pension obligations. Lack of revenue will become an even bigger problem when the increased income tax sunsets in January. Nothing may be decided on either of these issues until after the election.

APS Rules and Rates: Diane Slezak led the discussion on the advocacy papers. Spread sheets were shared and the rationale for the need for an increase in funding for APS Provider agencies and for AAAs in their roles as Regional Administrative Agencies. Every member is encouraged to contact their legislators on this issue and use the papers prepared by Diane.

BIP: Update on BIP given by Joy Paeth and Barb Eskildsen. Discussion on whether I4A needs to arrange a meeting with Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services to arrange a meeting with Julie Hamos as this department is submitting and administering this grant. Discussion on announcement of ADRC consultant being hired with BIP funding.

Framework: Update on what is happening with the Framework group.

1115 Waiver: Jon Lavin gave an update and the extension of comments period. He will review grant application to CMS again and see if I4A needs to make additional comments.

N4A meeting in Denver: Jon Lavin provided details of this meeting. Legislation to reauthorize OAA will make few changes. N4A is staying neutral from comment on funding formula as AAAs are divided on the hold harmless clause. Illinois would be adversely affected if the hold harmless clause is repealed. It is thought that the funding formula will stay the same. N4A is very concerned due to lack of funding for their Volunteer Center and other national projects. A committee of members will be formed to look at other funding. The only restoration of funding was to Nutrition. Family Caregiver program has reduced funding.

Update on Motivational Interviewing Speaker: Barb Eskildsen reported on her discussion with IDOA on this. She spoke with Lisa Zuurbier and Betsy Creamer. They were interested but did not make a commitment to move forward on this. Discussion on the price of the training. I4A or IAS will move forward with this and pay for the training if IDOA does not. The training will enhance Options Counseling.

ADRC State Model: Barb Eskildsen led discussion. The workgroup formed after the retreat this year is not moving forward with a state model. The model proposed by Barb Eskildsen was given to IDOA with the concept explained and maps given for each AAA. The City of Chicago agreed to this structure and felt they could be on board with this. The announcement of the RFP to procure a consultant to move forward with ADRC development in IL thru BIP funding may stop further development until the consultant is hired.

IT Structure for all aging services: Jon Lavin, Joy Paeth & Barb Eskildsen lead the discussion. There is no system right now that shows all the services a person is receiving thru OAA, Medicaid Waiver, MFP etc. There are multiple systems that do not work well. A new APS system was just built and billing from the system is not working. It was agreed that a meeting will be arranged with IDOA to discuss one IT system for all Aging programs.

New Long Term Care Medicaid Eligibility Centers: Lead by Barb Eskildsen on the formation of 2 hubs one in Chicago area and one in Bloomington area for all Medicaid applications for long term services and supports. These applications eligibility will no longer be determined at local offices. Discussion on the new ABE system having problems.

AAA Procurement Responsibilities and IDOA: Discussion about IDOA overturning procurement made by AAAs.

Area Plan Extension: Betsy Creamer called Barb Eskildsen to ask if AAAs would agree to the Area Plans being extended for one more year. Everyone agreed that this was acceptable. It will be announced that I4A is in agreement to extend the area plan cycle for one year.

New Role of LTCOP: Lead by Mike O’Donnell. The Office of the State Ombudsman is moving toward autonomy from the Illinois Department on Aging. This is due to a conflict of interest in advocacy efforts. Discussion also on the new role of Ombudsman in home care.

MFP/Colbert: Lead by Diane Slezak. AgeOptions and the City of Chicago still have contracts to provide services and now that IDOA is taking over administration of this decree they are unsure of how the contracts will go forward.

MIPPA-3: Discussion on funding and change in reporting requirements.

Director Holton’s visit to AAA: Membership updated on the discussion held with Director Holton when he visited the AAA.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, 2014.

Adjourned at 5:00p.m.

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