Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
3100 Montvale Dr
Springfield, IL 62704
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Illinois AAA Association
Meeting Minutes
Northfield Inn and Conference Center
Springfield, Illinois

Call to Order - I4A President Julie Hubbard called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.

Roll Call - persons attending: Grant Nyhammer (01), Walt Meyers (02), Jan Stille (03), Joanne Thomas (04), Mike O'Donnell (05), Julie Hubbard (07), Lori Cummins and Sylvia Mahle (09), Yvonne DeKnikker (10), John Smith (11), and Jon Lavin (13). A quorum was established.

Minutes of the I4A Meeting of March 22, 2011 - The minutes were presented by Mike O'Donnell, Secretary. Yvonne DeKnikker moved approval; seconded by Jan Stille. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report - A report prepared by the Treasurer dated May 11, 2011 was presented. Mike O'Donnell moved approval of the Report; seconded by Jon Lavin. Motion carried.

CCPAC Report - John Smith attended the April CCPAC meeting. He reported that IDOA is seeking a five-year extension of the Medicaid waiver. IDOA has contracted with HCBS Strategies to develop provider manuals for Homemaker, ADS, EHRS, CCUs, and Care Coordinators. There is a potential for Medicaid coverage for home delivered meals under the new waiver. HCBS Strategies will produce on-line tools for Quality Management, such as, an event reporting system, case notes, etc. John Smith noted that the Affordable Care Act will require medical records to meet federal standards.

Bylaws Committee - Joanne Thomas, Chairperson of the Bylaws Committee presented revisions to the bylaws. Discussion followed. Julie Hubbard asked Joanne Thomas to disseminate further revisions to the members for their review and comment. Amendments to the bylaws would need to be published by July 22, if they were to be acted upon at the annual meeting on August 23.

OASAC Report - Grant Nyhammer reported that Dr. Paul Bennett presented the results from a 2008 survey to produce an inventory of services by PSA. Walt Meyer gave a presentation on the Enhanced Services Program (ESP).

NAPIS/PAC - Members requested that NAPIS/PAC training be scheduled.

Advocacy with Members of Congress - Jon Lavin reported that the Legislative Committee will send e-mail blasts to members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation and their staff regarding federal appropriations and reauthorization of the Older Americans Act. Senator Kirk has expressed interest in holding a field hearing on OAA reauthorization. I4A will maintain contact with his office.

Census Training - Members discussed the need for training and technical assistance on the use of the American Community Survey and the 2010 Census. I4A will recommend that IDOA collaborate with the Association to plan a training session on this topic.

Adjournment - the Meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

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