Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
3100 Montvale Dr
Springfield, IL 62704
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Illinois Aging Services
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging of Lincolnland

The meeting was called to order at 12:30 p.m. by President John Smith. A quorum was present.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting - No formal minutes were available as secretary Kuiken was now on sick leave. However, President Smith did provide a brief review of his notes.

Treasurer's Report - Jan Stille, treasurer, distributed the current financial report noting that outstanding income included unpaid ESP payments from PSA 06 and 09 and IDOA. She was asked to re-bill those units. Payment re: the registered dietitian/Karen Little had been received from IDOA. Hearing no additional comments or questions, the following action was taken: MOTION: To approve the Treasurer's Report as submitted. Paeth/Hubbard Passed

Old Business/New Business -

a) By-Law Changes - Thomas

Mrs. Thomas recommended the delay of IAS By-Law revisions until the review of the I4A By-Laws was completed and those changes could be incorporated into the IAS By-Laws as appropriate.

b) ESP - Smith

The management report was prepared and transmitted to Committee members by Walt Meyers. There were no questions.

President Smith asked if there were still questions re: our current contract procedures outstanding. These contracts are only through 06/30/2011 to allow for additional investigation of the "conflict of interest" issue. Lynn Niewhoner and Joanne Thomas indicated that the attorneys they consulted indicated that the conflict was minimal, if any. John said that he had "tweaked" the contracts between IAS and NEIL and IAS and ZUMA. Joanne requested additional information re: the tweaks. Consensus: No change was needed at this time.

Discussion now turned to the preserving the statewide I&A system without the participation of PSA 01. A number of strategies were weighed. The most promising appeared to be the purchase of log-ins from another AAA as our design limits the right to sell log-ins to AAA only and that is the sole access for non-IAS members. Hearing no additional comments or questions, the following action was taken:

MOTION: In order to achieve a state-wide I&A data-base, any AAA that is not a licensed ESP user and wishes to purchase a license may enter into an agreement with another AAA that is a licensed ESP user to cover the costs of the license and data management. O'DONNELL/Hubbard Passed.

Note: PSA 02 agreed to pursue such an agreement.

c) Nominating Committee

The already designated Committee will meet prior to the May IAS meeting to pull together a slate of officers for FY 2012. In the interim, Mike agreed to act as V.P. if needed and Lucia agreed to act as secretary. NOTE: It would be inappropriate for Mike to serve as V.P. because he is currently an I4A officer.

d) D&O Insurance

President Smith reported that several insurance vendors had responded to his investigations re: coverage for IAS. Coverage has been obtained through Beauchamp and McFadden under U.S. Liability Ins. Co. at a cost of $750/year for one year.

e) Conflict of Interest (See ESP notes above.)

f) Other--- None offered.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m. by consensus.

Respectfully submitted,
Lucia West Jones
Acting Secretary

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This page was last updated 01/13/2020