Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
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Illinois AAA Association
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Attending: Joy Paeth (08), Heather Austwick (07), Joanne Thomas (04), Grant Nyhammer (01), Jeff Henderson (01), John Smith (11), Mike O'Donnell (05), Lucia West Jones (02), Jan Stille (03), Barbara Eskildsen (03), Yvonne De Knikker (10), Anne Posner (13), Michael Nardello (12), Yolanda Cory (12), and Deb Kuiken (09)

Meeting called to order by Joy Paeth at 12:20pm.

Minutes of January 2010 Meeting: Motion made by Lucia West-Jones to approve the minutes, seconded by Mike O'Donnell. Minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report: Lynn Niewohner's report was presented. Mike O'Donnell made the motion to approve the treasures report and was seconded by Jan Stille. Motion was passed.

Legislative Report: Mike O'Donnell, Terry Steczo and Maureen Mulhall

SB 3267 HB 5869
Requires banks to use on-line training provided by IDOA to train their front-line employees who have direct contact with customers, to help these employees recognize and report suspected financial exploitation of older adults. Discussion on how the amendment to this bill was reached. Everyone is urged to call their legislators in support of this bill. Terry and Maureen have contacted AARP about this bill and they will be assisting by having volunteers call legislators.

SB685 Nursing Home Safety Omnibus Bill
Watch for how broadly or narrowly this bill is defined. It may be narrowly interpreted to address only the safety issues. Advocates will have a chance to testify during the appropriations process. The date for testimony is unknown at this time. The Nursing Home Task Force is continuing to meet. The Governors office is giving legislative briefings. They are also meeting regularly with the speaker of the house.

May 7, 2010 is the date for the legislature to adjourn.

The National Health Care Reform will impact the state budget due to Medicaid reimbursement to states being enhanced. The House membership was briefed on the possible fiscal impact.

Creating a network of volunteer lay leaders to call upon for advocacy was discussed. E-mail will be utilized to inform lay leaders when action should be taken. Mike O'Donnell volunteered to monitor this. A protocol will be discussed and implemented. All positions and advocacy will be approved by I4A. Job descriptions for lay leaders may be developed.

Year of the Engaged Older Adult - Jane Angelis
State wide initiative to promote civic engagement of older adults to strengthen communities. Focusing on coordination with institutions of higher education including community colleges. Everyone will benefit from the collaboration. She will be contacting each AAA to be able to highlight what is currently happening in each PSA.

Legal Services - Grant Nyhammer
A proposal was discussed on contracting/granting legal assistance funds to Prairie State Legal Services and Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation. The system used in Wisconsin was discussed. Specific questions to ask Prairie State Legal Services on the current use of Title III funding will be formulated by Grant Nyhammer. He will share this information with everyone. This issue will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Area Plan Initiative Mike O'Donnell
A hand out was given on the proposed format for the final report on the statewide initiative, The Maturing of Illinois. Lucia West-Jones made a motion that the format proposed be adopted. Motion was seconded by Deb Kuiken. Motion passed.

CCPAC Report- John Smith
Issues discussed at this meeting were: expedited payments, AWAQ in PSA 12 and 13 on schedule, increase in co-pays, HB 5499 deadline for client appeals on adverse actions from 60 days to 45 days, HB6042 Background checks - day care removed from bill, HB6063 making DON more sensitive to those with dementias, concerns on the role of CCU's being able to provide case management with Medicaid only clients using managed care programs.

ESP - John Smith and Grant Nyhammer
Logons were discussed. Preferred providers, grantees that do regular business with a AAA will get log-on at cost; any other providers in the PSA even those not grantees may get a log-on and the AAA can decide the cost of the log-on. Any surplus from the cost of the logons above ISA's cost will go back to that PSA.

Client confidentiality was discussed.
The current contract with Xuma and the language used in the contract was discussed.

Illinois Association of Nutrition Providers is conducting a survey. This will be sent to all AAAs. The information from this survey will be used in advocating for the nutrition programs.

Meeting adjourned at 4:00pm

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