Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging
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Illinois AAA Association
Meeting Minutes
Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Attending: Janet Ellis (01), Lucia West Jones (02), Jan Stille (03), Barbara Eskildsen (03), Joanne Thomas (04), Mike O'Donnell (05), Lynn Niewohner (06), Julie Hubbard (07), Joy Paeth (08), Deb Kuiken (09) Yvonne DeKnikker (10), John Smith (11), Jon Lavin (13).

Meeting called to order by President Lucia Jones at 12:29 pm.

Motion by Mike O'Donnell, seconded by John Smith that the 5/26/09 minutes be approved. Passed.

Jon Lavin presented the treasurer's report, FY08 & FY09 budget to actual; FY10 budget and FY 10 Annual Dues Statement. Motion to approve by Jon Lavin, seconded by Janet Ellis. Passed.

Mike O'Donnell, Legislative Committee Chair distributed and reviewed the results of the past legislative session. Budget cuts were discussed. AAA letters #809 and #809 corrected were discussed as the cut came from the equal distribution community based line rather than the formula community based line. Comprehensive Care Coordination has been cut 10%, co-pays by clients will probably be increased and changes made to monthly monitoring by CCU's. The $20 million cut to Circuit Breaker means checks will be about ½ of previous levels. The car license benefit stays the same. Illinois' Medicaid Director says there will be no changes in Illinois Cares RX at this time. Governor Quinn Amendatory vetoed HB 366. Consensus: Let it die. The goal was great but there's no money right now. Elder Abuse has been reduced 10%. Elder Abuse Emergency Services (EIS) limits will be reduced to $500 and $500 additional with AAA approval. Cases are to be closed faster. Some repeat reports of same client, same abuser can be turned over to case management. No reductions were made in home delivered meals. The impact of AAA's GRF cuts needs to be stressed. Mike requested that letters to legislators be sent to him for the committee. There is a point at which we can't do business. Jon Lavin agreed to do a survey of impact and possible reductions to be made for the Legislative committee. (see page 2 of these minutes).

I4A's lobbyist contract goes through 12/31/09. The legislative committee wants to research other firms and possibilities. Any suggestions and recommendations should go to Mike or Jon. They will do interviews in the fall and do a conference call after Thanksgiving.

Janet Ellis cautioned all to review the FSS and Systems Development contracts with new wording on a 3% reserve and funding reductions. She also shared IDoA's seemingly lack of concern on cash flow issues.

John Smith, Nominating Committee chair reported an FY10 slate for vote in October.
President Julie Hubbard
Vice President Jon Lavin
Treasurer Lynn Niewohner
Secretary Joy Paeth

IDoA's John Eckert distributed the Readiness Survey for the VA project. We don't have any demographics yet. There are now 60 vets nationwide in the program, most of which are seniors. The VA's contract is with the AAA. We determine our role. IDoA wants a state-wide fiscal intermediary. They currently use Addus for "Cash and Counseling." There could be a conflict of interest if Addus - or anyone else is the fiscal agent and a provider. The VA will send an assessment. Do we need a CCU care plan? Should we use the CILS for those under 60? Should we use a private case manager?

The ADRC proposal to AOA was submitted by Ross Grove. Area 06 was told they submitted the best proposal but were not selected to be in the proposal to AOA. AAA's may want to ask for a copy of the proposal.

Some AAA's have already participated in the AWAQ process. Area 08 had 14 pre-certification visits to make and one ADS visit - these are more time consuming.

Jon Lavin reported that the various OASC committees are pulling back. They want to stop doing IDoA's job. New legislation and resources are needed. The CPoE recommendations on standards will go to the full OASC council. Jon included CPoE standards in his RFP. He agreed to send his RFP to all AAA's.

Jon Lavin also agreed to survey AAA's for bullet points on the impact of the cuts we've received. What should we do or not do because of fewer dollars? We need to develop a strategy for the network and future advocacy efforts.

John Smith reported on the CCPAC meeting. All CCP reporting will be on-line. New AAA representatives are needed on CCPAC. John Smith will continue. Julie Hubbard will continue as his back up. If Chicago can't continue, a second AAA representative will be needed.

Mike O'Donnell invited all to his annual meeting on September 23rd. Sandy Markwood, N4A Director will be speaking at the ISU Alumni Center.

Deb Kuiken shared information on their "caregiver spa."

Julie Hubbard shared information on their caregiver conference. 100 attendees are expected.

Motion to adjourn by Deb Kuiken, second by Jon Lavin. Passed.

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